Idaho Chiefs of Police Association follows a Code of Ethics to ensure all members in Idaho serve their communities with respect and compassion.
Draft Under Review
We, members of the Idaho Chiefs of Police Association, recognizing our responsibilities to the communities we serve and our obligations to society in general and with the knowledge that our profession requires the highest ideals and rules of conduct, hereby adopt the following code of ethics for police executives, and commend them to all persons in the police profession for their guidance.
We will put honesty, truth, and justice above all other considerations, and we will not allow friendship, enmity, social position, political influence, or personal motives to swerve us from the impartial performance of duty.
We will neither solicit nor accept any gift, privilege, favor, or advantage from any person that will place us under any obligation to overlook any law violation or violate our profession's ethics.
We will observe all the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and will never illegally deprive any person of any right guaranteed by the great document.
We will not become involved in any social, political, or religious controversy except as neutral agents of the public, and we will at all times endeavor to carry out the desires of the majority of citizens as legally expressed through proper legislative, judicial or executive channels of government.
Having efficient police administration as our objective, we recognize the need for professional fitness by police executives and subordinates.
We pledge to advance the science of police service through training courses and other methods adequate to meet the proper requirements of our profession.
Recognizing the mutual dependence of all law enforcement and social agencies, we pledge our cooperation to all officials and agencies interested in promoting justice and improving social conditions.
We will not allow envy, jealousy, or any other motive to interfere with such cooperation.
We will be fair with subordinates, showing only that favor honestly earned by meritorious service to the public: demanding that all police officers perform their duties and enforce the laws with impartiality, judgment, and courtesy.
We recognize our responsibility to the press as a medium through which the public we serve can be kept informed of our activities. We solicit its support in all honest police endeavors and its condemnation of any act or policy detrimental to the best interests of society.
We deplore violations of the code of ethics for journalism concerning the publication of police news and respectfully recommend the observance of that code.