Name, Organization and Principal Purpose
Section 1. The Association adopting this code of By-Laws for the conduct and control of its business and affairs in the Idaho Chiefs of Police Association, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho.
Section 2. The purposes for which said Association is formed are to secure a closer official and personal relationship among the Chiefs of Police throughout the State of Idaho; to secure, by all proper and legal methods, legislation and governmental action for the general and official welfare of the members and this Association, as related to Law Enforcement; to secure unity in action in police matters and to advance and professionalize the standard of police institutions in the State of Idaho and the recognition thereof by the general public; to promote legislation for the enactment of the laws pertaining to the detection and prevention of crime and to ensure police efficiency and effectiveness; in connection with the foregoing, said Association shall exercise all the powers conferred by the laws of the State of Idaho, it is being hereby expressly provided that the forgoing enumeration of specific powers shall not be held to limit or restrict in any manner such general powers.
Section 1. The officers of the ICOPA shall consist of a President, President-elect, one Regional Vice President from each of the four (4) regions of the State of Idaho (as they are now designated by the Idaho P.O.S.T. Council).
Section 2. The President, President-elect, immediate past President, and the Regional Vice Presidents shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Association and shall have voting rights. All members selected for these officer positions must be in good standing and a duly appointed Chief of Police.
Section 3. Election of Regional Vice Presidents: Prior to the Fall Association meeting each year the Vice President of each region shall meet with the members of their region to elect a Vice President to represent their individual region. The newly elected Regional Vice President will be presented to the Association at its Fall meeting, and shall take office on October 1st.
Section 4. Election of the President-elect: Prior to the Fall meeting of the Association, any current member may bring nominations for the offices of the President-elect. Nominations from the floor may also be taken and an election shall be held. The current President-elect will succeed to the Office of President. The newly elected President shall become an ex officio member of the Board of Directors immediately on their election.
Section 5. TERM OF OFFICE | The President, President-elect, and Regional Vice Presidents shall hold office for a term of one (1) year and until his / her successor is elected and qualified or until death, resignation or removal.
Duties of Officers
Section 1. The principal duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings, serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors, make appointments of committees as may be required and define the duties of such committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and to make an annual report of the activities of the Idaho Chiefs of Police Association to the members. He/she shall be required to perform such other and additional duties as may be referred to him/her by the Board of Directors or deemed proper in management by his/her office. He/she shall fill vacancies in any office of Regional Vice President by the appointment of a member from the region where the vacancy occurred. The President shall, when possible, attend regional meetings. If in the President’s opinion, an occasion or circumstance warrants the calling of a special meeting of the Board of Directors or the general membership, the President shall have such authority and shall notify the board or membership in writing or by electronic mail of the date, time, and place of such special meeting, and the purpose for calling same.
Section 2. In the event of the President’s inability to act, the President-elect shall perform the duties of the President. The President-elect shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to the office by the President or by the Board of Directors.
Vice Presidents
Section 3. The Regional Vice President who represents the regions in which a regional or statewide Association meeting is being held shall preside at all meetings at which the President or President-elect is unable to attend. The Regional Vice Presidents shall attend Board meetings to discuss any business of the Association. The Vice Presidents shall report regional activities to the membership at each regular Association meeting. Only members from the same region may nominate and vote for the election of their Regional Vice President.
Board of Directors
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall act upon all matters referred to it by the Association, and in these matters their decision shall be final and binding. A simple majority of the Board shall be a quorum to transact the business of the Association. It shall be governed by a majority vote of those in attendance. A detailed written report of all proceedings shall be rendered at the next regular meeting by the Secretary so that all members may be acquainted with the business of the Association.
Section 5. The Board shall act in any other matters specified in the By-Laws. All proper orders issued by the Board must be faithfully obeyed and complied with, and any requisition for payment of moneys shall be honored by the Treasurer. A Board member may call to produce any Association record or document at any time.
Section 6. The Board may request the personal appearance of any member at its meeting, as it deems necessary.
Section 7. The Board will review all members elected or selected for appointment to committees, Regional Vice Presidents and to a Governor’s appointment. The Board will ensure that all members selected for these positions meet the following requirements;
That they are a duly appointed Chief of Police or Associate Member;
Have been an active member in good standing of ICOPA for the period of a minimum of one (1) year for election to a committee;
Have been an active member in good standing of ICOPA for the period of a minimum of one (1) year for election to the office of Regional Vice-President;
Have been an active member in good standing of ICOPA for the period of a minimum of two (1) year for a Governor’s appointment.
Section 8. The Board of Directors shall appoint a Secretary for a definite or indefinite period. The position of Secretary shall be an advisory, non-voting role and can be an Associate Member. The Secretary shall be charged with the keeping of such records as may be required in the normal course of business of said corporation, and such additional duties as may be required by law or by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Association meetings, Board of Directors meetings, any special meetings and shall report those minutes at the next Association meeting. The Secretary shall give written email notice to the membership of all Association meetings.
Section 9. The Board of Directors shall appoint a Treasurer for a definite or indefinite period. The position of Treasurer shall be an advisory, non-voting role and may be an Associate Member. The Treasurer shall be charged with the keeping of such records as may be required in the normal course of business of said corporation, and such additional duties as may be required by law or by the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain a complete record of the financial condition of the Association. The Treasurer shall report in detail at each meeting of the Board of Directors and each Association meeting all sums received and expended, all outstanding obligations, and such other matters as may be deemed proper. The Treasurer, President, or their designate shall sign all checks drawn against the account of the Association. The Treasurer shall have the authority to disburse such monies for incidental expenses such as membership cards, stationery, mailing, printing, refunding denied membership applications, etc. The said officer shall perform such additional duties or different duties as may from time to time be imposed or required by the Board of Directors or as may be prescribed from time to time by the By-laws.
Executive Director
Section 10. Executive Director. The Board of Directors is authorized to employ an Executive Director of the Association. The method of employment shall be determined by the Board. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a definite or indefinite period and may be removed only by the Board. The Executive Director shall serve as principal staff support to the Board of Directors in the conduct of the business of the Association, subject to the general supervision of the President on behalf of the Board.
Section 11. Committees. The following standing committee is established and enumerated their basic responsibilities:
A. Legislative/Government Affairs Committee
A Legislative/Government Affairs Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and regularly report on their activities to the Board. The committee shall be chaired by the President and may be comprised of both Board members or other Active, or Associate Members. This committee and their responsibilities shall include:
Develops and recommends a legislative agenda to the Board of Directors and assists in lobbying activities on behalf of the Association
Develops and provides testimony to legislative bodies when invited
Write letters expressing ICOPA’s positions on issues
Recommend appropriate positions on issues for the ICOPA Board and membership
Participate in annual state legislative meetings
Work with National, State and local agencies on their programs that relate to ICOPA’s interests
Section 1. Membership in the Association shall consist of eight (8) classifications; Active Members, Associate Members, Retired Associate Members, Life Members, Sustaining, Honorary, Business and Provisional Members who must obtain a minimum of an Idaho P.O.S.T. Basic Certificate within one (1) year of assuming the position of Chief of Police.
Section 2. Active members shall consist of those individuals who are actively engaged as duly appointed full time Chiefs of Police of legally constituted municipal police departments in the State of Idaho and the Chief Executive Officer of the Idaho State Police who hold at least an Idaho “Basic” P.O.S.T. certificate. Any active member in this Association who shall resign or be removed from his/her position shall automatically cease to be a member of or be entitled to any benefits of this Association. Their membership shall terminate on the date of resignation or lawful removal from office as Chief of Police.
Section 3. Associate members shall consist of the head of any State law enforcement department, other than the Chief Executive Officer of the Idaho State Police, or Federal law enforcement organization located within the State of Idaho, or assistant chiefs of police, deputy chiefs of police, executive heads and division, district or bureau commanding officers who may wish to join the Association. Such members may take part in all Association activities, but will have no vote nor hold office.
Section 4. Retired Associate members shall consist of members of the Association who retire while active members. Membership classification will be changed from Active to Retired Associate. Such members may take part in all Association activities and shall be entitled to any benefits otherwise provided, but shall have no vote on business matters. Retired Associate membership shall terminate upon death or when annual dues cease to be paid.
Section 5. Provisional members shall consist of members who have been appointed to the position of Chief of Police within the past year and have been accepted as members of the Association. Their membership is contingent upon them obtaining a minimum of an Idaho P.O.S.T. Basic Certificate within one year of their appointment to Chief of Police.
Section 6. Life members shall consist of those members who have honorably served in the capacity of President of the Association. Life members shall be entitled to all privileges and benefits of the Association as those provided to active members while serving as Chief of Police and to retired members after retirement.
Section 7. An Out of State Chief of Police may join the Association as an Associate Member. He/she must be sponsored by the Regional Vice President closest to the out of state Chief.
Section 8. Sustaining members consist of all persons or businesses who are donors of funds to the Association for advancing, improving and bettering the law enforcement profession may be recommended to the Board of Directors to become Sustaining members of this Association under such rules as the Board may establish and approve. If the Board accepts the recommendation, such membership shall be with all privileges except that of holding office and voting.
Section 9. An Honorary membership may be bestowed upon any person or organization that has made a significant contribution to the Association upon a recommendation by the Board of Directors and approval by the general membership at the Annual Business meeting. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and shall not be eligible to hold office or vote.
Section 10. Business memberships, guidelines and related dues may be established with the approval of the Board of Directors. Business memberships are restricted from voting or holding office within the Association.
Section 11. All applicants for membership shall complete and sign the form of application provided by the Association and submit the application to the President and Executive Director. All applicants shall be screened for eligibility by the Executive Director and presented with his recommendation to the Board of Directors for its action on the recommendation. Such application shall include an agreement by the applicant to abide by the Association’s Code of Ethics. The Association may, pursuant to a majority vote of the Board of Directors, reject any application for prior violations of the Association’s Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct.
Application for Membership
Section 1. Application for membership shall be made in writing to the President and Executive Director. The application shall reflect the full name of the applicant, age, residence, official title, the name of the police department represented, and such additional information as may be required by the Board of Directors, together with the appropriate membership dues.
Section 2. Upon the receipt of the application and dues payment the President will direct the Treasurer and Executive Director to issue a membership card, email a copy of the By-Laws and other pertinent data to the applicant. The President will report all new members at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Section 3. Any member may terminate membership at any time upon delivery to the President of the Association such resignation and the President shall notify the Board of Directors of the resignation at the next regular Board meeting.
Section 4. Termination from membership in this corporation shall be concurrent with the termination of the qualifications of any person for membership therein.
Suspension or Expulsion of Members
Section 1.
No member may be suspended or expelled from membership due to race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, or political party affiliation.
Any current member who is charged with a felony crime while a member of the Association will have his/her membership suspended, until adjudicated.
Section 1. Except for honorary members, each member of the Association shall pay annual dues to the Association. Annual dues for members shall be established by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Annual fees will be billed with the notice for the Fall meeting, and are due in January of each year. Any member who shall neglect to pay their fees within a reasonable time shall be reported to the Association for action after being notified by the Treasurer. A person who has been removed for non-payment of dues may be reinstated upon application, payment of all dues in arrears, and upon approval of the Board of Directors.
Liability of Members
Section 1. No member of this Association, either active or retired shall be personally or otherwise liable for any of the debts, liabilities and/or obligations of this Association.
Section 1. A minimum of three meetings a year are to be held at time and location to be determined by the board with a 45-day minimum notice to all members.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called at the option of the President. The President shall, when requested by five or more members, call a special meeting provided that the request states the business to be acted upon. The President shall call Board of Directors meetings as needed. At any regular or special meeting, a majority of the membership being present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of Board business. At any Board of Directors meeting a majority of the Board present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of Board business. During the month before each regularly scheduled meeting of the Association, the Regional Vice Presidents shall hold a regional meeting. A report of each regional meeting will be presented at the next Association meeting.
Section 1. These articles may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors present at any regular or special meeting, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment or amendments has been emailed to each member of the Association at his/her last known address at least ten days in advance or the meeting.
Section 1. The Association shall have a common Seal, which shall be of such form and have wording thereon as follows: CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION STATE OF IDAHO.
Amended and revised this 3rd day of September 2020
Richard Allen, President